So you’re looking to maximize the potential of your recruitment strategy but haven’t quite figured out where to start. Optimizing your recruitment process is easier than you think.

Conduct a High Quality Two-Way Interview
Listen first, talk second.
Ask open ended technical questions during a thorough resume trace.
Include well-crafted behavioural and performance based questions that help you understand how a candidate thinks, communicates and solves problems.
Sell the opportunity accurately and with transparency.

Decrease the Time to Hire
Utilize available technology and tools, social media and referral programs to broaden your reach when sourcing candidates to increase efficiency. Use job boards and aggregators strategically - keeping in mind where you want your jobs to be the most visible.
Use ‘direct recruiting’, also known as head hunting to reach out to passive candidates who aren’t active on the job market but would be interested in a potentially stronger opportunity.
Top talent is challenging to find -- don’t leave them hanging! You are on the clock to secure them. React quickly after an application, or interview with a candidate to decrease the chances of a lost opportunity with a stellar candidate in a hot job market.

Support the Recruiter’s Role
Always continue to develop your Recruiter's expertise and capabilities through education, strategic alliances with 3rd party service providers and smart recruitment tools.
Recruiters should develop strong relationships with their client groups – remember that that they are trusted advisors and partners throughout the recruitment lifecycle.
Provide recruiters with the tools and knowledge to effectively act as ambassadors for your organization.
Foster a positive and memorable candidate experience while providing meaningful feedback after interviews.

Incorporate ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ Initiatives
Value ‘diversity and inclusion’ and wrap it into your recruitment process.
Remove systemic barriers in the recruitment process.
Build a strong, inclusive culture where employees are treated with equity and respect.
Network with organizations that support Designated Groups.

Reference Thoroughly
As employers, we have the right and responsibility to check references.
Decrease risk by personally checking two to three professional references extensively before extending an offer.
At least one reference should be from a recent manager or direct supervisor.
Keep it legal: seek only job-related information to further determine if the person will perform the job effectively.

Keep it Legal!
Use a legally defensible, HR compliant, valid recruitment process.
Educate your Hiring Managers.
Follow guidelines regarding permissible and prohibited interview questions.
Thanks for taking the time to read our latest article. We hope that you found it helpful. For more information on the topic and how ARES Staffing can enhance your list of preferred staffing partners, reach out to us! We're here to help.

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